at home with

How do you define your unique sense of style, and how does it manifest in the design of your home?
I absolutely love color! I’m attracted to the bright and shiny things in life. My home is a direct reflection of my personality. I consider myself an extravert- I love meeting new people, exchanging stories, making jokes, generally the art of the chat. My home is full of tchotchkes, big and little, that are all mementos of people in my life. There’s a story for everything!
What are the most important aspects to consider when choosing linens and décor for your home?
Similar to the white walls as a backdrop, I find that I treat my linens similarly. Bed frames can be architecturally interesting, or comforters and throw pillows can add flair to make a bed come alive, but if you start with well-made sheets that will last a lifetime, you’ll end up with a bed you can’t wait to climb into. In my case, I wanted the bedroom and bathroom to have a theme of contrast- hence the black and white. As much as I love color, I also love having the living room be the party and transition to a room that is beautiful but calming.

Home surroundings have an impact on mood. Are there specific colors or patterns in your home’s design that you find particularly uplifting or soothing, contributing to your overall contentment in your space?
I shoot interior design for a living so I get to see so many different takes on decor. I’ve found that white walls make for all my decor to come alive. My disco balls reflect their pattern on the walls and when I leave my window open and they move in the breeze. Primary colors are dominant here, too. I find them to be exciting yet simple to understand. Everything must have a sense of humor and not take itself too seriously. That’s my rule! Everyone certainly has a lot to talk about when they come over for cocktails!

Photographs serve different purposes, including preserving memories or experiences, telling a story or express an emotion, or capturing the beauty that surrounds us. Tell us about one of your photographs that you have displayed in your home and why you chose that one.
I’m sitting in my living room looking as I write this, and as I look around to see a room entirely covered in art that is not photography, I land on the one photo that’s above the orange togo chair. It’s the smallest piece on my walls but perhaps the most important. My Mom’s two brothers passed away in the early 90’s of AIDS, and one of them, Uncle Peter, was a photographer. That photo is of Andy Warhol that Peter took. I found the negatives and printed it myself when I was teaching photography many years ago.